dark desires

To say that I'm struggling with how to begin this little blurb is an understatement. My mind is clouded with thoughts of the new year, the break ending, awards season (although let's be honest: award season is always on my mind), and of course all the new experiences and memories that the new year will bring.

However, I'll put that aside for one second and attempt to focus on the present. I have been dying to get a cozy sweater dress that I can just lounge around in and also dress up for a day out. When I saw this black and white printed Zara sweater, I was ecstatic. For a simple yet edgy look, I wore my white Topshop collar shirt underneath, and paired my Topshop chelsea boots with some long black socks. Lastly, I topped off the look with my Brandy Melville floppy.

A stubborn personality + a tendency to undermine the weather = an always freezing me.

 Words cannot explain how much I love this hat and the Coven-y effect it adds to any outfit.
Also I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty proud of my eyeliner today. Good job, me.

 "Oh no! That group of cute boys just saw me awkwardly pose in the middle of the street!"

 Hats off to all my friends who manage to be patient with me while I take a million photos.

Fun fact: I wore this outfit two days in a row because comfort. Yay, recycling!


Twitter: @maikasetiawan

Instagram: @maikasetiawan

E-mail: maikasetiawan1@gmail.com

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